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4 posts

Apple Music is charmingly featureless

Apple Music is charmingly featureless

I have been catching heat for my preference of Apple Music over Spotify as a music streaming platform for years. My reply to every ridicule was always the same: "learn aesthetics". Look, I have never tried to argue that Apple Music has better music discovery algorithms. Nor have I attempted

The Digital Designers Making ASCII Art Cool Again

The Digital Designers Making ASCII Art Cool Again

Artists use computer code and modern digital techniques to bring ASCII art and other digital “glitch art” to life in unique ways.

How to add colorful tags to your Ghost blog theme

How to add colorful tags to your Ghost blog theme

Learn how to enable support for color-coded tags in your Ghost theme with this short code snippet.

Capturing input with $EDITOR in a Golang CLI program

Capturing input with $EDITOR in a Golang CLI program

Like writing a Git commit message, but inside your Go command line tools.

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